California Student Aid (Cal Grant)

Pacific College campuses are all located in California and students who live in California and attend our campuses may participate in California Student Aid programs administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).

Students must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) before the annual deadline to be considered for state aid.
Chart to determine whether to fill FAFSA or CADAA.

Cal Grants

A grant is a type of financial aid that usually does not have to be repaid.
Pacific College participates in Cal Grant A, Cal Grant B, and Cal Grant C programs.

Cal Grants are awarded only to undergraduate students who have not yet earned a four-year bachelor’s degree. There are three kinds of Cal Grants — A, B and C — and CSAC will determine a student’s eligibility from your FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application responses, your verified Cal Grant GPA.

Pacific College is a for-profit school accredited by WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) the award year maximum for a student full-time enrolled student is:

  • Cal Grant A annual award toward direct costs of tuition and fees: $8,056

  • Cal Grant B annual award toward indirect costs of living, first year: $1,648
    Cal Grant B annual award toward direct costs of tuition and fees, subsequent years: $8,056
    Cal Grant B access stipend toward indirect costs of living, subsequent years: $1,648

  • Cal Grant C annual award toward direct costs of tuition and fees: $2,462
    Cal Grant C stipend award toward indirect costs of books and supplies: $547

Cal Grant school change

A student awarded Cal Grant may need to update their school of attendance online using WebGrants for Students ( for the award to be visible.

Instructions to make a school change using WebGrants for Students.